星期六, 六月 02, 2012


Holiday also need to work
just want to have a holiday pun tak boleh T^T

The second time come to Korea after PLKN lo
And it was the first time I saw this

How to read this a??
What the hell !
When I saw this

 (this one take from google de la)

I just know this is MacDonald only
First time go to Korea’s M
Don’t know also
Poor liao la
Can  eat M only now

Go inside
I saw something
Something that I didn’t saw in Malaysia’s M

what bulgogi ......................
MUST  TRY!!!!!
Then I call this BulGoGi and this

If there didn’t write Big Mac
I also don’t know that is Big Mac
And a lot of French Fries

Want to challenge with my partner
He call something very weird
I also first time see it in my life

Is this a coffee or a burger?
Look so different and weird
Like a cup
And he also don’t know what he order
He just order it because it look cute
WTF  =.=

this cost me almost 13,500 won
Pok Gai La T^T